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My name is Loosiné pronouced loo-SIN-ay like Beyoncé (but not like the trigonometric function cosine). I love creating meaningful experiences through data and design.
Data has the power to uncover injustices, track health hazards, and inform how to improve public policy. By visualizing the big picture, we see important realities of the world around us. I ultimately strive to simplify complicated topics as a user experience designer - through impactful design and digital story telling.
I began my career studying architecture and urban design. Now I am on the frontier of designing applications- creating blueprints & renderings of the digital spaces we inhabit everyday. I try to improve the interfaces as if people are being guided through physical space, avoiding potholes, enjoying their stroll, and pleasantly experiencing what is around them.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. You can reach me at lvartani@gmail.com. I am always open to new opportunities.
The reality as a user experience designer is that moving pixels around on a screen is only a small part of the job. Building buttons, type systems, or navigation tabs are of course included, but that work is not strictly all the work a designer does. Being a designer is, in part, identifying problems, asking the right questions, and coming up with the best solutions for your team and your clients.