ROLE: UI/UX Designer

Other hats at the company: Web developer, 3D Modeler

About: Born in MIT’s Media Lab, Humanyze utilizes science-backed analytics and data-driven insights to help companies make continuous workplace improvements that benefit both employees and the business.

Skills: d3 JavaScript library, CSS, Sematic HTML, Ember Framework, V-Ray modeling, Adobe XD, Sketch, WCAG Compliance, PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, Zeplin

Designed headquarters entrance

What is the problem?

  • What type of data do we have?
  • How best to visualize the data?
  • How to do we present the data so that the company has insight into their problem?


Contributed to Design & Development of 7 Modules

Regulatory & Compliance Risk

Diversity & Inclusion

Collaboration & Delivery

Teamwork & Engagement

Created infographics

Workload Assessment

Individual Dashboard

Managing Users & Participants